Mapping the geospatial patterns of broadcasted news allows a geospatial analyst to gain insights into common and unusual geospatial patterns. We decided using one of the most comprehensive news collection named “Global Database Events of Tone and Language” (GDELT) as the ground truth. The creator of the GDELT project Kalev Leetaru wanted to construct a …
Autor: lektor
Getting insights from political violence and protests around the world
To achieve political goals, we have seen people and governments using political violence. It includes violence between governments, e.g. war as an intense armed conflict, and violence used against non-state actors, e.g. police brutality. A rebellion is a kind of politically motivated violence of non-state actors against a government. The storming of the United States …
GEOINT App: Using web maps as the spatial ground truth
Typically, a geospatial analyst starts visualizing operational data having location information on a map. A basemap defines the geographic context and allows us thematic layering of our data. We try to gain new knowledge based on the spatial distribution of the data. A geospatial analyst almost always doesn’t have the time and skills to create …
GEOINT App: Proof of Concept
There is a need for a high level comparison of different technologies to get a better understanding why we want to use Qt. For this proof of concept we are focusing on desktop development and try to develop a standalone app which offers basemap visualization, feature rendering and querying operational intelligence data. A high level …
Design considerations for a GEOINT App
Getting to know various technology stacks for app development and why you should consider Qt for geospatial intelligence apps.
GEOINT: “The new frontier of feature engineering.”
A gentle introduction into geospatial intelligence and why we should care about.